2008 CSC TAG Rules

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    Curt Kistler

    A few people inquired about our TAG rules going into the 2008 season. And if we were going to be able to run the ROK Vortex TT motor package. The answer is yes. Marty Casey and the TAG USA rules commitee may hang some additional weight on the ROK, but that will be determined by them and adopted by us when, and if, that happens. No other addendums or changes have affected our series from last year. Please print out a copy of the 2008 rules if you are running in any TAG class and get your set up’s based on this: http://tagracing.net/pdf/2008Homologation/2008_TAG_Rules.pdf

    Should you have any questions, you can PM me, or call Brad at IMI 303-833-4949 for answers or clarification.


    Eddy Wyatt


    Great news on running Tag USA this season. I’m sure you are aware that Tag does not have rules for Jr 1 K-80. If you have not already written rules for the K-80’s, we would like to recommend running IKF or Stars. Obvious reasons here for the suggestion.

    Thanks for the consideration,
    Eddy at SoCo Kart Works

    Brad Linkus

    The k-80 is not a TAG engine. We will run them by IKF rules so they will be the same as the other engines in the state.

    Eddy Wyatt

    Great, thanks Brad.



    Looking at the TAG USA rules:

    Do I have to hold a TAG USA Liscense to race in the IMI/Track series?

    I assume that I will need one for the tag Worlds at IMI late this year.


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