Re: Swap meet – brilliant!

Home Forums General Discussion Let’s do a swap meet Re: Swap meet – brilliant!


I think the swap meet idea is a truly great idea.

I’m one of those newbies to karting. I have a kart and some stuff, but I need a ton of other stuff – not even sure what.

This community has been great with help and advice. A swap meet would be a great way to meet people, showcase the different karting options, and get the things I need. (Not to mention the really good stuff that I want but don’t need!)

It’d also probably be great for experienced karters to do some garage cleaning – helping their wallets, giving them garage space, and being a big help to newbies or folks on more limited budgets.

Having it at Action Karting could work great, too. Buyers could test drive karts, and JB should be able to create a real “win-win” by helping publicize the idea – more people at the track means more customers for him. (It should work at other tracks, too.)

Hope this happens soon!