Re: Re: Who is racing GJMS this weekend(11/10)?

Home Forums General Discussion Who is racing GJMS this weekend(11/10)? Re: Re: Who is racing GJMS this weekend(11/10)?

Curt Kistler

@Kirk Deason wrote:

Well, I hope you feel better, Curt. I laid awake half the night second guessing myself on the seat. I’m SURE I have the measurements right but I’ll know for sure if I get to GJ this weekend and Cook looks at me, shakes his head, and starts taking my seat apart to remount it.

Your evil ways have triumphed again. I’ll get you Kistler!

I hate to put the Whammy on you Tuner, but our best run in Vegas was ended by the seat falling out after Matt got some Falcone style air time with wheel-to-wheel contact. I will post a vid of that epic event at Sam Boyd Stadium later. The spacers are the way to go rather than bending the chassis mounting brackets up. Just be sure to put as much diameter fender washer on both sides of the fiberglass to absorbe the stress. Evan suffers from the same demons Matt did. They are light and small, and unfortunately needed a ton of lead on the seat to make the field. This grey hair I have was well earned, and cost lotts of :money Just trying to ease your pain buddy.
I wish you guys the best, and will be pulling for you and the rest of the CO Karting community making the journey. God I miss this sport, and this race.