Re: Re: Safety Bumpers at CRE

Home Forums General Discussion Safety Bumpers at CRE Re: Re: Safety Bumpers at CRE


Well, if you have to use that kind of rear bumper, I guess you’ll have to use it.

If you’ve got an Arrow chassis, I’d suggest you inquire at your friendly, neighborhood Arrow dealer. Last I looked, I think that dealer is George @ CRE!

If there isn’t one availablevia that route, you may have some difficulty finding a aftermarket bumper that conforms to the 08 CIK spec, so I’d recommend you get on the stick.

And, ditto what Doug said.

@laytonpc wrote:

Yesterday I received this e-mail from George at CRE. Does anyone out there know where one of these bumpers can be purchased for a 28/30 Arrow ?
“All Junior racers under the age of 18 years old in the following classes; Rotax Junior, World Formula, TaG, 80 Junior Shifters, Novice 125 will be required to have at least 08 CIK spec rear safety bumpers or an equivalent to compete at CRE in 2004. The rear hoop must extend to at least 50 inches from side to side and can not extend beyond 55 inches.”
Thank you
Phil Layton