Re: Re: Rotax 125 senior starting sound/issue

Home Forums New to Karting Rotax 125 senior starting sound/issue Re: Re: Rotax 125 senior starting sound/issue

Rodney Ebersole

Jason, Pull the plug and stick it back into the plug cap and lay the plug against a metal ground. Then spin the motor slowly by hand with a 14 mm socket over the gear nut. It should spin quite smoothly and quietly with very little resistance. Your feeling and listening for any clunking or grinding that would indicate that either the lower rod bearing went out, the balance gears went out or the clutch isn’t disengaging. Next I would take the carb off the reed cage boot and examine with a flash light the condition of the reeds. You could also look at the condition of the exhaust side piston face and compression ring by taking off the exhaust. Feel free to post back with what you find.