Re: Re: Need Leads: Job Search

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This absolutely SUCKs. Being laid off at “our” age is rough duty. I came off an extended layoff a couple months ago. I’ve got a pretty good idea what you’re going through and believe me Rich, if there was anything I could say or do……………….

Look on the bright side – the rotten, souless, motherless, savage, microcephalic, Pond Scum who laid you off are unworthy of a man of your quality. Those Bottom-Feeders will rue the day they let YOU go. There is a Special Place In Hell for people like that. You will find Something Better. It’s out there waiting for you. Go get it.

Good luck and hang in there.

PS: If you haven’t done it already, post your resume on, CareerBuilder and any other jobs sites you can find.

@Rich Vito wrote:

Sorry: I know that this is not the avenue for this but it is an avenue I am going to take-thanks Angie.

Anybody have any job leads for a:

purchasing manager, Senior buyer, Supply Chain Manager, etc. from Denver to Fort Collins; in chemical, pharmaceutical or related areas.

please send those leads my way via e-mail, phone or pm

Got laid off and am looking. Yes I am still karting for the rest of this year.

resume attached-feel free to distribute freely.
