Re: Re: IMI this Sunday?

Home Forums General Discussion IMI this Sunday? Re: Re: IMI this Sunday?

Leo Ahearn

Just got this info –

“The CJKC is running this weekend at IMI, but we do not have shifters and TaG’s in our club which is why it is not on our website.

However, we are running this race with the club that IMI has which does include shifters and TAGs.

So to answer your question, yes, there will be shifters and TaGS running with the CJKC this weekend.

Please contact Brad at IMI for all the details about the classes he is running on Sunday. I have copied him on this email, but you should probably call up there or stop by.

I have attached the schedule for Sunday, which includes the IMI shifters and TaG’s. Please note that the 7:00am “pre-tech and registration” only applies to the CJKC. I do not know if Brad is planning the same schedule, but I would assume so.”

Along with this came a PDF file that shows this info –

Race Day Schedule – Counter-Clockwise
IMI Motorsports 6/2/2013
7:00am – 8:00am Pre-Tech & Registration
8:15am – Drivers Meeting
9:00am – Practice with transponders (6 minutes)
IMI Shifters
Kid Kart Novice (short track)
Kid Kart (short track)
JR1 Novice & JR1
Qualifier – 8 Minutes Each Session
IMI Shifters
Kid Kart Novice (short track)
Kid Kart (short track)
JR1 Novice & JR1
Heat Race
IMI TAGS – 10 laps
IMI Shifters – 10 laps
Kid Kart Novice (short track) – 8 laps
Kid Kart (short track) – 8 laps
JR1 Novice & JR1 – 8 laps
JR2 – 8 laps
IMI TAGS – 15 laps
IMI Shifters – 15 laps
Kid Kart Novice (short track) – 10 laps
Kid Kart (short track) – 10 laps
JR1 Novice & JR1 – 10 laps
JR2 – 10 laps