Re: Re: 2013 Rocky Mountain ProKart Schedule

Home Forums General Discussion 2013 Rocky Mountain ProKart Schedule Re: Re: 2013 Rocky Mountain ProKart Schedule

Stan Bryniarski

Members and potential new members / racers.
Let me best set the record straight
The current schedule was created 9-2-2012 At the risk of not allowing other tracks / venues an opportunity to join the series, I called both participating tracks / promoters and expressed my concerns / intentions.
They both agreed to open up the opportunity for other tracks to contact me with the goal to balance out the series geographically.
I posted an invitation (on this site) the opportunity for everyone to contact me. I collected all the input (thank you all) and did what I could in the time permitted. I did receive many responses here, in PMs and personal calls, thank you all for your input.
When I expressed my intentions of combining the SKUSA and Rotax into one series, It was not received well on the Denver side.
Also, if I recall correctly, another series had to make a date change which conflicted with the RMPKC date last year with the assumption that similar classes were not offered so it was not an issue, so why should it effect this year.

My direction was to if at all possible, to release a solid schedule in time for the SuperNats program. I waited until the 11th hour and did so.

My personal goal was to recreate the same last race / banquet event as we did in 2012 at a venue that can accommodate this. This year was an experiment by doing the awards banquet at the last race and I think it paid off in spades. Again, an opportunity for the racer to save a few bucks and participate in the entire SKUSA experience.
Personally, I think the timing of the banquet is the standard for years to come.

As far as the 2013 schedule, I gave everyone a chance to step up. The result, two entities did so and became partners of the series in more ways than just a promoter. They have both stepped up in support of the series, the concept and the RACER!

The 2013 RMPKC / Rotax schedule is set.

Now if anyone out there wants to do a one-off temp race or festival style race, please contact me. But please understand just a notion is not going to get it done.
Nothing is out of the rheum of possibility!
Do your homework, and contact me with a semi solid proposal and I will help you in the direction to make it a reality. Some entities have already contacted me. Lets Get it done! But frankly I will need your help. Lets combine our resources. Lets do it for the good of karting. But please understand that a temp course is not just thrown down overnight (at least one that I am connected with) venue. Dollars to resources to event date is key and this must be considered if we are to venture down that path.

Last, please understand, I am not a Colorado native and have no allegiances other than to the Rocky Mountain ProKart Challenge and it’s customers.
Politics means nothing to me and never will!
Yes I have been a part of SKUSA for 19 years and yes I have seen the rise and separation of Colorado karting. But to best quote one track owner, “We had it all and us the track owners screwed it up!”

I, SKUSA is the series / customer, don’t expect me /us to fix the past, I , SKUSA just want to go forward and provide a place for our customers to race.
My phone is always at my side (219-841-1367) and will take your call and listen to your concerns / ideas. My email address is [email protected] and I will respond to each and every email. Superkarts! USA is a customer oriented business and I am here you YOU the customer.
Perhaps in 2014 (or a well planned 2013 special event) we can once again make SKUSA a total “both side of the Mountain” series
BTW, every race I attended in Colorado lsat year, I flew into Denver and drove to the track. (Goal, save the region a buck)

Stan Bryniarski
SKUSA RMPKC / Rotax Series Director