Re: Personal AMB Transponders

Home Forums General Discussion Buying a transponder Re: Personal AMB Transponders


Hello Mike,

We have our first race of the year at Loudon NH (1.6 mile track-SWEET!). One of the track rules is that, you must have your own trnasponder. I purchased mine directly from AMB. There web site is, look for the USA contact phone number and they send it out that day! It comes with a clip and a wall charger. You get your own transponder code, which is nice if you go to a big race such as Rock Island, but 130 karts out for the first CSC race is incredible.

Good luck with that pretty blue kart, mine is only one out of three around here. Make sure you push Jim “Dog House” K out of the way with that silly little Sonik engine in Tag class.

Regards Greg Gherasim :cheers: