Reply To: More on the future of Colo. Karting

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Good reply! Your right on so let me clarify my general thought. This approuch does not necessarily mean to clean house. It “could” basically be done using the same people we have doing a good job now, its just that the way in which its organized, or disorganized leaves all of these good people with no clear direction or leadership. There are no clear rolls and responsabilities. As I mentioned I think in my original post, what if I had a company that was interested in being involved promotionaly or even as a series sponsor? Who do they talk to, who has the authority to negotiate on behalf of the series and act in their and the sports best interest? There was no shortage of compliments or appreciation regarding our current officials in my original post and they know how I feel about them, (very possitive). The point is that we are not as people challenged as we are organizationally challenged. By organization I don’t mean are our pencils all in the right bin but organization as a system. We have alot of good people but look at the system we give them to work with. Its as if thier hands are tied. I’m so glad you made your point because it gave me an opportunity to be more specific regarding mine. Thank you Mike!

Scott Hannum