Reply To: Greely race Points

Home Forums General Discussion Greely race Points Reply To: Greely race Points

Marc Elliott

Good morning everyone,
I think that a race in Greeley would be a proliffic event for Colorado Karting, regardless of it being points or non-points. The thing that makes me upset at the situation is that since its announcement at the banquet, there has been NO information in regards to the event, or any addressing questions to the core group of racers that would attend this event. The problem with that is that it is already January, and most the racers are making plans, if Greeley is not announced untill last minnute, then there really is a smaller chance for a successfull event. Many of you have not been to the Rock Island Grand Prix, and for those who have, I am of the belief you will agree with me saying that there will be REAL spectators. Although a forgetfull weekend for me, the thing that was most memorable about this event was that there were the real spectators (novel concept isn’t it??) that have been tailgating, spectating, and attending the RIGP since 1994!!!!! These people clap to the racers who crashed being dragged back on a wrecker (remember these are karts we are talking about), they gave beer from their own coolers to the crashed racers over the fence, they were cheering at passes and action, needless to say this was and is as far as I am aware the only place in the NATION where this happens. Greeley has this opportunity, but I fear that it will be put to waste, and seemingly it has, considering no one has heard a word from any official involved with this race. If this race is to be a non points race, then we have to provide ourselves as model ambassadors to the sport, run large classes, but only a HANDFULL of classes (another novel concept), and offer low entry fee, stable rules, and good prizes for the racers attending.
That is my rant, belive it or not, that is up to you, but consider that we could piss this opportunity away, that actually could grow the sport, which is in need.
P.S. This would have to be a street race (not parking lot) to attract national racers from abroad Colorado, few would come to a parking lot race, there are already enough for racers to attend in their various homes.