Reply To: MR BALTUTIS???????

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Doug Welch


I got a call from a very good friend who is part of the group that has purchased SKUSA. From my discusions with him, the new group is working very hard to get a proposal together to present to all the regions who may be interested in joining. The hold up right now is that they do not currently own SKUSA. They have entered into an agreement, but it has not be finalized.

I think we need to wait and see what the final organization has to offer. I am encouraged by what I heard but until the deal is done, it’s just talk. If everything goes together as they hope, it could be very good.

I do get a kick out of something though. I made a proposal a month or two back that in effect was to take the money we paid to SKUSA and keep it here. With that extra money, we could develop our own rules and hire additional staff for our events. I was slapped hard on this forum by one of The Track owners for that suggestion.

As it stands right now, today, the cost of joining the CSC has doubled, from $50 last year to $100 this year and one of The Track owners is writing the rules. One class has been eliminated and two have been added for a total of 14 classes.

I have always advocated that less is more. Fewer classes, fewer races make for bigger more important events. This year will be interesting to watch.