Reply To: SKUSA A 2nd look?

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Brad Linkus

I did not see anything about a $75 fee, the actual rules they are going to use or what classes they are going to offer in the new SKUSA. With a new organization all of that will be different, it was different every year anyway. Before you can make any decision about anything they should at least announce the details of what they are going to do for this season, not just their marketing plan. I am sure that Tom has good intentions but so did Joe and he bailed out after his plan did not work. I heard Joes speech last season and see what happened. Every year they change things so how do you build anythng around SKUSA rules. ICC’s, moto engines, TAGs, Comers, ICA, what next? Why is it going to take 6 months to do their web site? How long will it be before they even have a rule book to look at or the classes they are going to offer?