Reply To: CSC 2006 Schedule

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Since the track should be open for the 2006 race year are you going to run jr1 comer 80 and novice shifter class for club racing? The reason I ask is if I can afford to make the STARS races this year we are going. I find it interesting that there was a lot of posts about what the schedule was going to be for the CSC, and everybody elses schedules were posted first. The CSC not taking into account some of the other major events? “FOOLISH ON THE POWERS THAT BE!!!!”. As it stands right now assuming I can afford to attend STARS the only track that will be punished is IMI since it is there two race days that we will be gone. May or may not race the other CSC events why waste my money to try for a championship when it will be unobtainable? Hope I can get some support by boycotting the CSC on conflicting dates.

Brian Moore
Father of Brandon #77 comer 80 and Novice shifter

P.S. We as racers could make it a six or less event race for a championship if we boycott the other races.