Reply To: Colorado Karting 2006 and beyond

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Doug Welch

@Jim Keesling wrote:

When do you want to work together with a positive attitude and help fix any of the problems you always point out?


I’m sorry if what I just wrote was not spelled out clear enough. It was positive. I complimented the current CSC staff on running better races. Without question, the $50 I spent to be a member of the CSC was one of the best investments I’ve made in Colorado karting. I got much better run races than in previous years. I’ve thanked them many times for it.

But we can improve. We had some difficulties that could have been avoided or minimized with additional trained and experienced staff to help. What I’ve done is tried to demonstrate that without asking for one more dime from our customers, we can get two things we need, a black and white rule book AND increased staff. What’s negative about that? I don’t know how to make it more positive!

The bottom line of my post is simple.

1. The CSC did good.

2. We could do better.

3. I gave a plan on how to do it better with out increasing costs.

What’s negative about that? Oh I see, it doen’t fit your plan!

Now lets get to your other point and lets clear it up so there no misconception. Did you or any other person in the CSC give us a written proposal for sponsorship last year? This year? No. You won’t get if you don’t ask!

We get requests from all over the country every year to sponsor classes and events. We get kart clubs from Washington to Florida, from Maine to So Cal asking for money. They all do it with written proposals. We get on average requests from 50 to 100 karters asking for sponsorship. They do it with written proposals. If you submit a written proposal, then it will be given the same consideration as all the rest.

Shockwave Karting is a national company. More than 70% of its sales are to dealers. Our largest customer base is in California followed by Florida. Maybe you are a bit confused about what Shockwave is, It’s not a local kart shop. It’s a manufacturer of karting products that just happens to be local. It is bringing money into the state as 95% of its sales are out of state.

In fact, it’s bringing in more money in to the USA than we are exporting. We export more products than we import. Canada and Mexico are big customers of ours. We are good not only for Colorado karting, but the USA! We’re bringing back some of the money guys like you are exporting by buying Birel’s!