Reply To: TaG World Championships

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Doug Welch

We’ve got a solution for the brakes, it’s called Wilwood! When we were at New Castle earlier this year, we raced both Billy Lewis and Mark Dismore Jr. Billy was using a Sonic at the time and Mark was of course on his Leopard. Running at TaG senior weights before Sonic got raised, it wasn’t even close. Billy was 1.5 seconds quicker than both us and Dismore and it as all in the straights! It was after that race and based on what Mark saw, he changed the weights for all three engines at his track.

We were faster than both through the eastern half of the track but once they got to the straight, the Sonic checked out. The Leopard pulled us a bit, but not much. Greg and Mark had a great race for a while. You guys ran the monza turn going north which we did not, so that would have negated the Sonics a bit.

It does point out the difficulty of making weights that work at all tracks and all track configurations. Add to that the differences in driver and chassis setups. For example, at IMI, some drivers with exactly the same engine package are 1.5 second off other drivers. To account for the difference by motor alone there would have to be 7 to 10 hp differences! It may well be an impossible task to truely balance the packages given such disparities.