Reply To: Katrina

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Mike Jansen


Was watching the golf channel last night. After the fiasco of the Red Cross and 911 here’s a foundation that you might want to support instead.

I love this quote:

For those of you who are wanting to help, but aren?t sure what to do, let me give you an option. Any donation made to the David Toms Foundation will go directly to families who have evacuated the Gulf Coast. Our Foundation will do the work to ensure the money is being used in the best possible way for the most deserving families. Let me make this clear ? 100% of your donations will go to the relief effort, no exceptions.

For those of you who are wanting to help, but aren?t sure what to do, let me give you an option. Any donation made to the David Toms Foundation will go directly to families who have evacuated the Gulf Coast. Our Foundation will do the work to ensure the money is being used in the best possible way for the most deserving families. Let me make this clear ? 100% of your donations will go to the relief effort, no exceptions.

David Toms is a professional golfer and a good egg. Here’s the wesite if anyone wants to check it out. Can someone support my gas habit? 8)