Reply To: Sunday @ IMI and the Colorado Sprint Champioships

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Roman and I like the 20 lap Tag races also. Even running 2 classes this year, we like the track time and it seems like the prefinals are just over in a flash. We do a lot of preperation to race not to mention tires, which are good for a day even running 20 lap finals. If we ran 12 or 15 laps we would still not run these tires for another CSC level event. 2 of our tracks are nearly “road courses” and 2 are relatively short sprint tracks. Both seem like 20 laps should be managable. Maybe it’s easy for me to say standing at the fence. Rich I also understand where you are coming from. From a spectators view (which is basically what I am after you guys leave the grid) your class has had some of the closest, cleanest racing of the season and I could watch that quality of racing for as many laps as you guys could stand.