Reply To: Denver Grand Prix-kart race

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Jim Keesling

After all the excitement last year at the Grand Prix, this years event has grown 3-fold. ( Parking has become an issue for the weekend, and the kart track (mini-grand-prix) is more popular than ever.
The bad news is I don’t have any time to run the exhibition race that we did last year, nor the parking space for the trailers.
I tried to get a bigger lot to set up a full blown shifter/TaG club race and the cost was too much.
The good news: The Track at Centennial will be set up Aug 1-14th.
We are booking private corporate parties, so customers will be able to have an event downdown. Currently we are 50% sold out, so if anyone is interested, please e-mail us soon.
I hope to be set up with enough time to join you all at IMI on the 31st.
Best of luck,