Reply To: new driver for 47 rotax of scott umbreit

Home Forums General Discussion new driver for 47 rotax of scott umbreit Reply To: new driver for 47 rotax of scott umbreit

Tom Dennin


Don’t listen to these guys. A C+, C-, or a C sucks if you are not applying yourself to your fullest potential!!!!!! Settling for average is crap and don’t let anyone tell you different. You should be able to get a C+ in your sleep. Your parents did the right thing! You knew the rules and broke them now you are paying the consequences. Sounds to me like you are learning now.

The Bill Gates and Steve Job comparisions are the exception and not the rule. If you do not strive to be the best, you will never be the best.

Food for thought,

Dr. Thomas Dennin, Ph.D
Metallurgical and Materials Engineering