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Regarding the Junior 1 Class:

As a Junior 1 parent, I glad to say I am now thankful that we missed this particular event since my son might have been involved in one of the mishaps and if my wife would have seen this, it would have created a very difficult situation.
Soap box stance: I would like to reiterate what I have said before that SKUSA-CSC should have picked just one motor package for the Junior 1 class and in my opinion, that debate should have been put to a voted by those who race in that class. Off the soap box now?. Anyway, since that isn?t going to happen and if CSC insists on running them all together the next best thing to do for safety is to grid them by qualify time and NOT by class and for the heat race by the order in which they finished (they are still scored as they are now). It ain?t a perfect solution, but I believe it would be safer than the current method.

my thoughts,