Reply To: IMI Kart track will be closed today and tomorrow for repairs

Home Forums General Discussion IMI Kart track will be closed today and tomorrow for repairs Reply To: IMI Kart track will be closed today and tomorrow for repairs

Taylor Broekemeier

The “old” yellow is the MZ and has a very flat contact patch. In Europe, this is good because the tracks there are fairly green and aren’t that abrasive on the tire, so the tire will wear evenly there. Here in the U.S., our tracks are very sticky and along with being sticky, they are abrasive to tires and cause the “old” yellows to wear unevenly and usually you will see a bead of rubber sort of peeled up on the inside of the front tires. The “new” yellow is the FZ and has a much more pronounced “balloon” looking contact patch. This allows the tire to be a little more resistant to the abrasion caused by our tracks while still offering the grip of the “old” yellow.

As far as what you can run, either the MZ or FZ, I’m not sure. I assume that you can run either because they are both “yellow’s” and the same Durometer but don’t quote me.