Reply To: Utah Rotax Regional: 14-15May

Home Forums General Discussion Utah Rotax Regional: 14-15May Reply To: Utah Rotax Regional: 14-15May



Yes it counts. But remember, you must declare a series (CRE or GJMS) and class(International, Masters, Junior or RM1) to run in at the beginning of the year. Only in that series can you earn points for that class. Both GJMS and CRE are in the region along with Utah. So, Utah counts as the 7th race in each of these series.

If you want to run both series and gain points in both, you could delcare one as Master and the other as International. You can always run as a guest in another series but you will not earn points.

Points for Nationals qualification is the best 5 of the 7 races in a series. The 7 race series consists of the Regional and the first 6 races in a local series.

Hope this helps,


If you were to qualify for Nationals in both series/classes, then you must choose one for Nationals from what I understand.