Reply To: 2005 CSC Class wish list!!

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Doug Welch

My wish list for races.

6 races series.
One at each of the permenant tracks.

Action Karting at Bandimere
Grand Junction Motor Speedway
The Track at Centenial

Finale at Steamboat Springs. No drops. Any more races and you will kill any club racing you may wish to have.

Possible expansion, an additional temp thrown in the mix.

Temps, if done correctly, can be safe and as Kyle pointed out, they can be a great test of driver and tuner. They are however, expensive to put on and require outside sources ($$) to make them work. Tie ins with other events like the Denver GP or the Bike Week in the Springs make sense.

From a racers point of view, a series such as above would be one of the very best in the country, it would be affordable and it would leave racers open to do a club series if they wanted.