Reply To: 2005 CSC Rules & Classes

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Curt Kistler

You new karters with spinning heads should consider the restricted 80 shifter class for your 8-11 year olds, and formula 80 shifter for the 11-15 year olds.
We bought our package used from the Ray family 2 years ago and have sucessfully raced this machine to multiple track championships, national podiums, CSC podium every race this year and various non-race fun literally hundreds of times. It’s now for sale and can still win any race at any time in this state.
Our annual budget is under $2,500.00!!! This includes tires, top ends, fuel entry fees… We are not cheap, just another hard working family trying to spend time with the boys.
The thought of shifters costing way tooooo much to run is coming from a few ICC teams that insist on running rich motors on race day and pushing the RPM’s above the desiged max.
As the TAG class continues to grow, podiums will continue to shrink and protests will continue to grow.
Consider stepping over to the wild side and test drive a shifter. There are several cheap packages currently in the classified. Look at Dave Roberts post, then go see his equipment and compare what you can get for a buck. We may even consider his stuff if we go 80 again next year.
As far as test drives, we will be offering test drives for serious buyers after the Supernats in November sometime.
Need more shifter info, call me anytime.
Curt Kistler