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Are you going to run novice or pro? Either way, you’ll need plenty of spare parts (pro, more so). Speaking from personal experience, a spare top end (extra cylinder and head — complete motor would be ideal) is essential … not having one cost us dearly in 2003. Many would argue that ICCs are more reliable than motos, but I would say that they’re both highly stressed race engines and as such, failures will happen.

Plan on: New ring every race weekend, piston every other. Bodywork, steering shafts, tie rods, brake pads, extra drive chain(s). We went through two sets of bodywork, three steering shafts, five tie rods, and two sets of brakes last season. Maybe extra set of clutch discs??? Every set of jet and needles that you can think of….Rebuild kit for your fuel pump. Gears…..plenty (we were able to run the CSC with three output and six rear gears). I would expect gearing to be more critical on an ICC since their power band is tighter than a moto. Extra axles (in varying stiffness)…. Hubs also (short, med, long). Extra wheels of course — we trashed about five during 2003. Spare chassis bearings (we changed ours out three times last season). If you’re running pro, you’ll need two sizes of carbs (30mm and “monster” for the long tracks). You also might want to consider springing for some jetting software (from our STARS experience, ICCs are quite tricky to jet properly). Lots and lots of tires. Make that lots, and lots and lots!!!!

Welcome to shifters 😈