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Doug Welch

@John Ferguson wrote:

1. As safe as it can be.
2. Fun for the KIDS and family.
3. And something to make our children more competitive in a fair manner.


Karting really is all those things. I have two sons that have gown up on the race tracks here in Colorado. We have raced at every one and have won races and championships at every one. There is no inner circle, but there are some who know more than others but most of us are more than willing to give you every bit of information we have. All you have to do is ask. I know that I have no secrets. I will tell you or any one else every thing we are doing and have done.

Many, many racers shared their information with me as we were learning and we are very eager to pass on what we know so that folks like yourself can enjoy this sport like we have. Karting has been very good to us and we feel very strongly about giving back to the sport.

This sport if filled with many, many great people. It is one of the things we have most enjoyed about karting, the people we have been fortunate enough to meet. It is my hope that in the coming year, we will be able to take what we started last year with the CSC and make it bigger and better. While I had hoped that we could get all 4 of the track owners involved, we can not. But we do have 3 of the 4 and we have a promoter in Steamboat Springs that are very eager to take karting in this state to a higher level. A series that encompasses just about every type of kart, goes to 4 different venues, yet involves minimal overnight travel, is unprecidented in karting. We are very fortunate to have such racers and promoters in our state.

I for one am very proud to say, I’m from Colorado, home of some of the best karters in the country.