Reply To: New to Karting. Please help me choose a motor! kindof long..

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@Rich Vito wrote:

How do you know I didn’t miss spell it on purpose?
Good luck Mark-give them hell.
Angie, see what happens when I start talking smack-your forum is more fun than e-karting!
Chazer or is it cheese-it: can’t think of anything to say, so go back to the hot tub and get ready for 2004.
Rotax Juniors don’t count with us senior guys

Rich, or is it Rick, or will just DICK work for you? 😛

I wish I had a hot tub right now. However I’ll be very happy to sleep in my own bed tonight. I have a Dr’s appt here in about an hr, and may get sent straight to the hospital from there. I may have a blood clot in my left leg.

Great news (not) considering my orthopedist gave my shoulder real high marks this morning.

Wish me luck!