CKT Welcomes New Board Members as 2020 Draws Near
Dec. 27, 2019 – Denver, CO – The Colorado Karting Tour is pleased to welcome Mr. Mike Weber as president of the Series, effective immediately. Additionally, Mr. Henry Korn has been appointed to a position as Vice President of CKT. These appointments represent the first new executive appointments for Colorado’s premier kart racing series since 2016.
At their most recent board meeting the CKT Board of Directors held an end of year review of those volunteers currently serving on the Board, and those that wished to contribute in a more formal role. With multiple positions available for appointment, several series members requested to join the Board in an effort to further the growth of The Colorado Karting Tour in the coming season and beyond.
Acting president Mr. Scott Williams requested to step down, clarifying his future role as that of an executive chair, to ease the transition of contacts, tasks, and thought processes to Mr. Weber, and additional new members appointed. Acting series Vice President Tim Trostel Jr. echoed William’s thoughts, and will also transition to an executive chair position for the time being.
A racer for more than 5 years with the tour in the Adult 206 Light category, Weber brings a competitor’s experience to CKT: “I’m excited to take on this role within our Series, and I am committed to maintaining the momentum established by Scott and Tim,” commented Weber. “I look forward to great things we can do in the future with The Colorado Karting Tour, working with our members and the expanded board to make the karting experience even better.”
Outside of karting, Mr. Weber serves as Vice President for Coalfire Labs, an information security organization located in Westminster, Colorado. Mike’s son Vaughan has also been involved with CKT for several years, and currently competes in the Junior 2 category after capturing the 2018 Junior 1 Championship with the series.
In addition to the appointments of Weber and Korn to president and vice president roles, several series members were elected to the Board of Directors, now comprised of 11 members.
The Colorado Karting Tour wishes to give a special thanks to Scott Williams and Tim Trostel for their immense contributions to the formation, improvement, and continuation of The Colorado Karting Tour. With their continued guidance and council as well as many others, CKT will continue to grow in the year 2020.
For all inquiries regarding board meetings, new appointments, or feedback for The Colorado Karting Tour, please email CKT at [email protected]. Or, learn more by visiting the series online: www.ColoradoKartingTour.com.
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